***The Celestial Temple Xenology files***
Bajoran symbol
of faith
(First Minister Shakaar)
Decorative symbol..
 . .





Humanoid civilization from the planet Bajor, who are easily recognizable by their rigid noses and   
an ornamental earring, which is weared by most Bajorans, and which is a symbol of their spiritual   
devotion.Bajoran culture flourished a half-million years ago, when humans on earth were not yet   
standing erect.The Bajoran people are deeply spiritual, but their history also recorded many great   
architects, artists, builders, and philosophers. Bajoran culture declined seriously during decades   
of Cardassian occupation in the 24th century, during which most Bajorans were driven from their   
homeworld. Bajorans traveled in space at least eight centuries ago, using solar-sail vessels to   
explore their star system. some ancient Bajoran space travellers even made it all the way to   

As recently as the 22nd century, Bajoran society was strictly devided into D'jarras, or castes.  
A family's D'jarra determined its status in society, as well as what occupation its workers could   
hold.Under Bajoran custom, a person's family name is first "Kira", followed by the given name   
"Nerys". Bajoran women carry their children for less than five months. Because they have a   
relatively short gestation period, they vascularize very quickly. Mother and child form a complex  
interconnecting network of bloodvessels. Bajoran women often have fits of uncontrollable sneezing   
while pregnant. In Bajoran childbirth, relaxation of the mother is essential. Participants at the   
birthing play rhythmic instruments to help her reach a fully relaxed state. When the child arrives,   
all present verbally welcome the child into the world  

Bajor was claimed as Cardassian territory from about 2328. The D'jarra cast system was abolished  
in the 24th century when all Bajorans, regardless of D'jarra, were caled upon to fight Cardassian   
opression. The Cardassian formally annexed Bajor in 2339, and occupied the planet until 2369,  
when Bajoran resistance fighters finally drove them away.  

A Provisional Government assumed authority for planetary government, led by the chamber of   
ministers, was headed by the Bajoran first minister. Also highly influential in  government affairs   
is the religious Vedek assembly, led by the Kai.  

Upon the departure of the Cardassians, the Bajoran provisional government requested Federation   
in operating the former Cardassian space station Terok Nor, now designated Deep Space Nine.  
After the Cardassian occupation,  the Federation council agreed to provide the provisional govern-  
ment with two industrial replicators to help them rebuild their economic base.  

As deeply religiously people, Bajorans look to their spritual leader, the Kai, for leadership and   
guidance. The Bajoran religious faith was a powerful force in their society, and helped give the   
Bajoran people the spiritual strength to survive the brutal Cardassian oppresion.  
The Bajoran religion believes that ships are safely guided through the wormhole by the Prophets  
and that the celestial temple dwells within the passage. Some conservative Bajoran religious   
leaders, notably Winn, tried to suppress scientific theories of the wormhole's creation, believing   
that the teaching of science lessened the religious leaders' political power.   

An old Bajoran saying holds that"The land and the people are one", Colonel Kira Nerys mentioned   
this to Captain Sisko regarding the dispute between the Bajoran factions, the Paqu and the Navot.  
Traditional Bajoran beliefs hold that the soul of the dead is far more important then the physical  

In 2371, newly-elected Kai Winn began the process of healingher people's wounds with the signing  
of a historic peace accord with the Cardassians. the news of a treaty sent shock waves throughout  
the entire Quadrant  

The Federation council voted 2373 to accept Bajor's application, but the Bajoran Chamber of  
Ministers subsequently elected to defer admission, following the recommendation of Benjamin  
Sisko, the Bajoran Emmisary of Bajoran prophesy, who had a vision, that would Bajor enter and  
become a member of the Federaton, they would be overwelmed by the Dominion forces, following  
the destruction of Bajor. Instead they had to sign a non aggression pact with the Dominion, which  
was in the best interest for Bajor. Now the Bajoran people can at least rebuild their homeworld to  
what it once was, a peaceful and glorious planet... 
