The Karemma
are a humanoid civilization from the planet Karemma. Their homeworld lies
the Karemma system which
is a part of the Dominion. They are thought to be responsible for
the administration of trade
and economy in the Gamma Quadrant. Their closeness to the
wormhole also made them
the main Dominion trading partner with the Alpha Quadrant, mostly
with the Ferengi
and the Federation. Unlike the Ferengi they are honorable businessmen
a high standard of goods.
Karemma are tall and slender
looking humanoids, and are from 2 meters in height up to 2.5.
They have black hair that
is combed back, ending in small plait. They have a head ridge, like
Klingons, but smoother and
no edges. The head ridge goes down, and over the nose. The ridge
can be slightly seen to
the chin of a Karemma. As a result of this ridge, their nose looks huge.
Karemma have normal eyes
that are gray, black or brown. The nose is quite large in the lower end,
Its very broad and one line
in the skin on each side of their nose is pointing downwards to the outer
sides of their face.
The Karemma's currency is
called Dirack. The Karemma have a Ministry of Commerce and
Ministry of Trade.
They are very honorable traders, not trying to cheat their business partners,
as the Ferengi do.
The Karemma's contact to
the Dominion administration is an unmanned subspace relay station
on the planet Callinon
VII, maintained by the Vorta. Aside from that, they seem to
be able to
decide rather independently.
Quark established a trade
agreement with the Karemma for purchase of Tulaberry Wine. The
Karemma used Ferengi as
intermedaries in their commerce with the Federation, because they
knew the Dominion would
never tolerate direct trade between the Karemme and the Federation.
The Karemma were naive when
it came to business dealings, and the Ferengi took advantage of
them for a time. The only
contact the Karemma had with the rest of the Dominion was through
the Vorta.
In 2372, minister Hanok,
member of the Commerce ministry, met with the staff of Deep Space 9
to discuss Karemma complaints
with Ferengi trade parctices. Hanok also helped the crew of the
Defiant with a Jem'Hadar
attack |