Warrior civilization
from the planets Romulus and Remus. An ofshoot of the Vulcan
who left two thousand years
ago to found the Romulan Star Empire, possibly in rebellion
against Surak's philosophy
of logic and pacifism.The Romulans are a passionate, aggresive,
but highly honorable people.The
Romulans are a study in dramatic contrasts. Capable of
considerable tenderness,
they can also be violent in the extreme. Romulans have also been
characterized as having
great curiosity, while maintaining a tremendous self-confidence that
borders on arrogance.
The ancient Romulans reached
across much of the quadrant with outposts and settlements
on far-flung worlds as Barradas
III, Calder II, Dessica II, Draken IV, and Yadalla Prime.
Their biggest achievement
is the development of the cloacking device. This cloacking device
was later traded with the
Klingons for better engines. They also gave the Federation permission
to use their cloaking device,
on the Defiant, which according to the Treaty of Algeron
forbidden. However, the
Defiant was given permission to use the cloacking device, in exchange
for whatever information
Starfleet security had on the Dominion, Since the Romulans broke
agreement by attacking DS9,
this agreement no longer exists.
In modern times, the Romulans
conducted a brutal attack on the Klingon Narendra III outpost
in 2344. The starship Enterprise-C,
under command by Captain Rachel Garret, responded to
distress calls from Narendra
II, and attempted to render aid to the Klingons. Although the Enter-
prise-C was repoted lost,
the incident led to closer Klingon-Federation ties in following years.
The Romulans believed the
Dominion to be the greatest threat to the Alpha quadrant in the last
century. Accordingly, the
Romulan government attempted to collapse the Bajoran Wormhole
in order to prevent a potential
Dominion invasion, in 2171. The plan, which would have included
the destruction of station
Deep Space Nine to eliminate witnesses, failed when a cloacked
Romulan Warbird accidentally
caused Miles O'Brien to timeshift into the near future, where
he witnessed the Romulan
attack. Upon returning to his present, O'Brien warned station
personnel, thwarting the
Two years later, when an
alliance of the Dominion and the Cardassain Union threatened
destabilize the Alpha quadrant,
the Romulans joined forces with the Federation and the Klingon
Empire, contributing a fleet
of Romulan Warships to the defense effort.
The Romulan legislative
body is known as the Romulan Senate. |